This is going to be our first official post on this website and so we thought that won’t it be better if we first start by introspecting our lives to see where we have laid our foundation.
The Wise and The Foolish Man
In the Bible, Jesus speaks of a Parable about the Wise and the Foolish Man. The Wise Man had built his home on the Rock whereas the foolish man builds his house on the sand. When rains and floods came, the foolish man lost his house where the house of the Wise man stood still.
The builder always ensures that the base foundation is strong enough to hold the house so that it can withstand every calamity. The foundations which are weak will not be able to stand even against the wind.
How to make your base strong in Christ?
If you are a traditional Christian born and brought in Christian homes under the guidance of priests, bishops or pastors etc, let me tell you that, despite all these things it is quite possible that the foundation is still not strong. Don’t turn a blind eye when the Holy Spirit pricks your conscience and your heart.
So how do you go ahead and make Christ as your foundation? It might be easier for a new believer as he would starting from the scratch.
1. Personal Encounter
Have a personal encounter with Jesus because if you haven’t had it yet, there is no way you would know Jesus personally. The Word of God says that,
Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
Psalms 34:8
When you have a personal encounter with Jesus it will change your life completely. Allow God to deal with your life and give in your life to Jesus. Now, how to have a personal encounter or what does it mean to have a personal encounter with Jesus?
Are you baptized, born again Christian? Are your parents serving as missionaries? Were your forefather Bishops or Priests? Umm, so do you think this will entitle you to have a personal encounter or you might get direct entry into heaven? No, my dear friend, you just need to have an open and repentant heart for GOD. He deals with everyone uniquely and personally, when you desire to know the truth, he will deal with you and will have an encounter with you.
2. Meditate on the Word of God
Ok, so now you have had a personal encounter with Jesus, what next? Is it enough to have a personal encounter and leave it there? There’s more to do,
Take the Word of God in your hands and study them intently with a childlike heart. Ask questions, seek answers, the Holy Spirit will guide you through the process as you give in to study the word of GOD. Every word that you study will be a foundation and as you study deeper it will keep growing stronger.
But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night.
Psalm 1:2
3. Apply and Obey the Word of God
After studying we need to apply them or rather obey the word of God in our lives as it says in Luke 6:47-49.
“I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it. It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built. But anyone who hears and doesn’t obey is like a person who builds a house right on the ground, without a foundation. When the floods sweep down against that house, it will collapse into a heap of ruins.”
Luke 6:47-49
There is a very famous quote which I have read and heard, it says that for people out there, your life might be the only chance for them to read and know Jesus. What you read and study let that reflect in your life.
4. Praying Earnestly
Praying and Reading the Bible should go hand in hand. Only praying and only reading the bible won’t be enough, pray and read the Bible every day. Spare few minutes from your daily schedule, seek for his wisdom over your life.
5. Sharing
Share what you have learned with others, it’s not just the pastor’s responsibility to spread the word of God but everyone who has known Christ and received him as their personal savior should share this good news.
You cannot build the foundation in a single day, it’s a step by step process which needs to be done diligently, if not it won’t be long before it crumbles. Above are few basic steps, by which you can start to build your faith and foundation in Jesus Christ.
So let’s question ourselves, where have we laid our foundation? Is it on a rock which is Christ or on sand? If the Holy Spirit is reminding us that our foundation is weak, make it stronger, it’s never too late to start over again.
This article was written under the section Weekly Manna in the categorySermon.
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